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Spirit-Guided Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and Mindful Guided Imagery

“I’m feeling extremely grateful and blessed these days. Being introduced to you Rachel has put me on a path that my soul has yearned for. I am feeling so good inside and feel my life is heading in the right direction. The picture in my mind is a path made of rocks in a wooded area. I jump from stone to stone as I get closer to my soul’s true purpose. ”
“I sought help from Rachel and she did just 2-3 hypnotherapy sessions with me... When I got on the plane, I felt a sense of calm and relaxation that I had never felt in that situation before. I actually was happy and laughing for a majority of the plane ride. I felt like I had a sense of peace and lightness ... it was absolutely amazing...I would have the confidence to fly again now and am looking forward to many more travels.”
Amy Tetreault
"After all the years of connecting with healers, mediums, and energy workers, yesterday was the first time I felt seen and heard and valued as a client and an individual.”

Releasing Subconscious Blocks

Have you been doing lots of healing for yourself but still feel stuck?

When we get to the place of frustration that “nothing works,” the answer usually lies in the subconscious mind.

While therapy and other healing modalities are beneficial in deep ways, sometimes we need to go deeper.

Before I started my business, I was filled with self-doubt and worry. I didn’t think I could do it. When I learned just how much was held within my subconscious mind, and how much I was operating unconsciously by a set of old beliefs and thoughts that weren’t even who I was anymore, I was shocked!

It was amazing how much I was letting an internal program run my life (and not in a good way). Then, I got hypnotherapy sessions and started to feel better. I began to feel more confident and starting taking action toward what I had been wanting but was afraid to do before. It was like I actually was becoming the “future self me” I had written down in a vision. Truly incredible!

Often there are beliefs/thought patterns that get instilled deeply in us often from a young age.


These can include beliefs about not being enough, or not being lovable. We might believe that we don’t have anything interesting to say and so we hide in the background, never taking risks and missing out on lots of opportunities coming our way.

Or, we can act in ways that prevent us from getting close to others out of a fear of rejection. We subconsciously self-sabotage friendships and romantic relationships due to a lack of self-esteem.

These sorts of patterns are rooted in the archetype of the Wounded Inner Child. That little girl or boy within us hears or experiences something (usually between the ages of 5 and 10) and develops a belief about themselves or about the world that may not be totally accurate, and is designed to keep us safe.

Over time, though, that belief starts to hold us back.

One of the only ways to remove a deep-seated negative belief, thought pattern or set of behaviors is by accessing the subconscious mind.

And the best way I know of to do this is with hypnotherapy.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to change unwanted thought patterns, habits and behaviors held in the subconscious. Like weeds in a garden, we are excavating the root of what is holding you back with hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy can be transformational. It can clear away deeply-held patterns or habits, including anxiety, depression and even physical health problems, and can help us thereby improve our health and even save our lives. Hypnosis can instill new, positive beliefs about our self-worth and our capabilities. 

Sadly, hypnotherapy is also misunderstood. As it has been misrepresented in the mainstream world as being “mind control,” some people are uncomfortable with hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to change unwanted thought patterns, habits and behaviors held in the subconscious. Like weeds in a garden, we are excavating the root of what is holding you back with hypnosis. Yet hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful and effective methods to change those ingrained stories and replace with the belief of our becoming our highest and best Future Self.

We are literally placing an imagined Future Self vision into the quantum field of our Akashic Records when we create this vision in waking life, and then have it embedded into our subconscious mind, which receives it as truth, in hypnosis.

It’s actually a Divine law we are working with: the Law of Resonance. When your subconscious mind believes that this Future Self is actually the “current” you, you begin to give off a resonance of that way of being. You start living in new internal reality (that can feel like a fantasy world for a while).

Eventually, according to the Law of Resonance, in which like attracts like, your external reality begins to mirror your internal reality.

Things start to shift, the right people come into your life and opportunities start to present themselves to create this new reality.

As within, so without.

Other forms of hypnotherapy I offer include:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful, and effective, ways to clear out the negative thoughts/beliefs/patterns/habits that we just can’t seem to shake. When experiences at a young age get sealed into our minds (via the Inner Child), the protective Ego part of our subconscious mind devises ways to keep us safe.

These ways can manifest, over time, as harmful coping mechanisms. And in spite of our good intentions and setting all kinds of goals, until we get to the root of the issue, we will find these habits are still in place. Giving our Ego/subconscious some new tools (through the power of positive suggestion) in hypnotherapy, can be life-changing!

Guided imagery is a form of light hypnosis in which you are talking to the hypnotherapist and describing what you are experiencing. This powerful modality can help you reduce anxiety, accelerate weight loss, increase your skills (in athletics, singing/acting), ease headaches/pain, enhance relationships and access your inner strength to cope with stress.  Mindful guided imagery can have positive effects on one’s physical health: it can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol/glucose levels and boost the immune system. It has even been proven to reduce adverse side effects of chemotherapy and reduce blood loss after surgery.

In between sessions, you are encouraged to practice your own self-hypnosis daily if possible (especially in the beginning). If you like, I can teach you how to do self-hypnosis. You will also be provided with various writing tools to work on as part of the coaching portion of behavior modifications and goal-setting. You will be given a link to listen to guided hypnotherapy meditations I provide you as well.

Yes of course! This might help to a certain extent. However, hypnosis recordings on their own are not proven to be as effective as working with a hypnotherapist. Part of our work together involves behavior modification plans, goal-setting, strategies around stress reduction and mindfulness, accountability and support.

I also provide additional writing tools to process and work through the subconscious limiting beliefs at a more conscious level. In addition, over a period of weeks, you work through various issues and then move onto new areas of growth. Hypnotherapists create scripts tailored specifically to you each time you meet.

There are many factors to the success of hypnosis. Part of the hypnotherapy includes behavior modifications and coaching tools you agree to work on in between each session and self-hypnosis. We will work together on your goals and come up with a plan for you!

Yes! I offer past life, life-between-life and inner child regressions, which are powerful ways to release and heal.

Hypnotherapy feels like a relaxing guided meditation. Guided imagery and suggestions bring you into a deep state of relaxation so that any beliefs/thoughts that you wish to clear can be accessed by the subconscious.

In hypnotherapy, we use suggestions to create new positive associations to remove the negative thought patterns. You just relax and allow your subconscious mind to do the work. You are always fully in control during hypnosis, and you would never do anything your conscious mind does not choose for you.

During regressions (past life, inner child or life-between-life), you are guided to access the source of the issue you are experiencing, with the support of Divine guidance, through a memory stored in the subconscious mind. I ask you questions about what images/words you are picking up on and you respond verbally aloud. As we invoke the assistance of your Higher Self, spirit guides or other loving beings, this often involves emotional release and deep healing.

Then, to really make the guidance happen in your actual life, you can explore additional sessions of hypnotherapy, inner child and/or past life regression.

Hypnotherapy sessions last 2 hours.

We discuss what types of relaxation you enjoy so that I can incorporate these into the hypnosis script itself. We do an intake process, or life coaching, for about the first hour or so. We explore what habits/thoughts/fears you wish to release and your goal for seeking hypnotherapy, and we often create a vision of your Future Self, learn about reframing thoughts, and then the hypnosis portion lasts about 30 minutes (with your spirit guide assisting in the process), with 15 minutes of time for reflection at the end.

Almost everyone can be hypnotized. In fact, we go in and out of light hypnosis (driving, watching TV) all the time!

This varies from person to person. At least 3 sessions minimum will make a difference. Many people find that a series of at least six sessions is the most effective to make a deep, lasting shift.

Children and teens respond well to both hypnotherapy and guided imagery to address issues like anxiety, depression.
Learn more here about my work with kids.

I specialize in the following areas with clients:

“Shout out to Rachel Horton White who has helped me lose 7 pounds through hypnotherapy. I really feel it is working... through her help, I’ve managed to NOT eat chips in the evenings, stop having seconds at dinner, and a few other techniques that work. I’ve waited for this ‘shout out’ until I really felt it was working. And it is.”
Jim Peacock
Professional Development for Career Practitioners
“The hypnotherapy session was a totally new experience for me... I really believe that it works. Today I reached ALL my goals and the interesting part was that happened naturally...”
“Anything you’re struggling with—fears, confidence—this is really effective. ”

Guidance Session Packages:

Soul Growth Package: Healing cannot be done in just one session! If you’re feeling blocked and you just need some new approaches, this package offers three months of support. Each month includes two 2-hour sessions with a combination of hypnotherapy, inner child, Ego work and/or an Akashic Records reading (four sessions total). The Soul Growth package includes two bonuses: the Tools for the Awakening Soul e-book and the 6-week self-paced Develop Your Intuition online course to use as supplements for our work together. Our time together will be focused on the areas here in the Soulful Work Method graphic.

Future Self Activation Package: For most people seeking lasting change, I suggest the Future Self Activation package, offering five months of support. Each month includes two 2-hour sessions of hypnotherapy, inner child regression, past life regression, Ego work and an Akashic Records reading, as well as a 3 1/2 hour life-between-life regression in the last month (nine sessions total). Our time together will loosely follow the Soulful Work Method process as shown in this graphic but with more focus on regression and hypnotherapy. This package includes two bonuses: the Tools for the Awakening Soul e-book and the 6-week self-paced Develop Your Intuition online course to use as supplements for our work.

Booking a Hypnotherapy Session:

You will leave each session with action steps, writing tools and a meditation to guide you between each session. You are welcome to record the hypnosis session to listen to in between sessions, an effective way to re-program!

You may book a single hypnotherapy session if you like, but, again, this work with the subconscious is most effective for the majority of people after working together for a few months, such as in the Soul Growth 3-Month Package or the Future Self Activation 5-Month Package.