Do you feel like you’re fighting an internal battle with your mind?

If this is you, I’m guessing you’re experiencing something like this:

The negative thoughts seem to be there all the time, but you’re not sure what to do to about it.

You probably want to feel better… to find a place of acceptance and contentment.

You may just feel overwhelmed about where to begin. Thankfully, a part of you knows not to give up… that there is hope.

It will be my honor to support you in finding inner peace.

Rachel offers the perfect combination of spiritual support and encouragement and grounding, realistic action steps to make change.... I feel like my life has been completely turned around...
— Kendall Scott, Maine
My world has changed, my life is shifting to amazing new levels, and I am truly grateful to you! I don’t even know how to fully express how incredible I feel and the signs that just keep coming, the shift I am feeling, It is truly amazing.
— L.M.
Whereas other forms of therapy and healing felt like temporary relief, I never experienced true transformation, as I have with you. I truly know that you have been the catalyst to what appears to be the most enlightening, fulfilling and exciting time of my life.
— Joanna Johnson, New York

If you are:

  • Feeling stuck and not sure what next steps to take

  • Seeking to remove intuitive/spiritual blocks

  • Frustrated that you’ve tried “everything” and nothing seems to help

  • Seeking to understand your soul purpose professionally and personally

  • Experiencing conflicts and negative patterns in relationships

  • Living with self-doubt and not believing in yourself

  • Feeling like anxiety or past trauma is holding you back in some way

… you may find our work together to be helpful: this information about me offers more insight.

We are living in a massive planetary shift in consciousness. Many of us are awakening, shedding layers of ego as we clear out old patterns to step into our true light. Getting support from another human to help you grow and heal can be like a breath of fresh air.

In guidance sessions together, you will learn to quiet your mind in everyday situations with a regular mindfulness practice and trust your intuition to guide you in finding flow and peace.

You’ll learn and approaches and tools to working with the subconscious (including the inner child) to release stuck, old patterns. With hypnotherapy and regression, you’ll be able to start to healing trauma so you can move on with your life.

You’ll explore how to connect with higher guidance and how to apply divine concepts in your life, such as the law of attraction (including the flow of abundance), law of vibrational resonance and soul lessons. This will help you eventually manifest and co-create the highest version of yourself… as you come to remember that you are light in human form.

Guidance Session Details

  • I integrate intuitive coaching into almost every session, which involves soul-level change by moving past blocks and negative Ego thoughts/beliefs. You’ll leave with tools and action steps you can apply in your daily life (including meditations or writing reflections) after each session.

  • Our time together can include the following: and Akashic Records intuitive readings, hypnotherapy or regressions (past life, inner child or life-between-life) or just intuitive coaching.

  • Intuitive readings in the Akashic Records access healing information from your guides about your soul, including life lessons, potential future realities, past lives and suggested action steps.

  • Hypnotherapy sessions (“spirit-guided hypnotherapy”) clear deeply-held limiting beliefs to create your ideal future by accessing the subconscious for healing and growth, with the help of a spirit guide or Divine beings.

  • Inner child regressions are powerful ways to clear deeply-held fears from childhood held in the subconscious for healing and peace, with the support of a loving spirit guide.

  • Past life regressions help you experience previous lifetimes to release negative patterns in your current life.

  • Life-between-life regressions take you on a journey into the spirit realm to meet your guides, soul group and access Divine guidance in the Akashic Records.

    Most of these sessions are geared for adults, but I also offer individual and group offerings (for children and teens).

Individual Guidance Session Options:

One Time Session:

  • Soul Assessment: A one-time guidance session, which includes an 75-minute Akashic Records reading with intuitive coaching, is a wonderful place to start.

  • Clear Subconscious Blocks: To remove old patterns, hypnotherapy is the way to go. I work with spirit guides and Divine guidance to support you in healing. One 2-hour hypnotherapy/regression session will help you move toward your highest and best self at a deep, subconscious level.

Deeper Support:

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of session should I choose?

Most people start with a 75-minute session of intuitive coaching and/or exploring their Akashic Records. An Akashic Records reading offers a wonderful initial assessment of what’s happening for you at a soul level.

Then, to really make the guidance happen in your actual life, you can explore additional sessions of hypnotherapy, inner child and/or past life regression.

I just had one session, and I feel so much better after the Akashic Records reading! Why should I do a series?

An Akashic Records reading will give you an overview of what to focus on in your life and will help offer powerful, Divine healing. However, the real transformation comes with getting into the subconscious mind.

Lasting change emerges from creating new thoughts, habits and behaviors and creating new neural pathways in the brain. We must access the subconscious to create new associations! One of the best ways to do this is with hypnotherapy and regression.

While just one session will still help you, working together for a few months in a series of sessions will bring lasting changes in the subconscious mind. How did I start this business as a natural introvert? I got hypnotherapy to build my confidence!

Experience Deep Change:

It is a blessing and an honor for me to witness the growth that occurs in those who trust in my support. Past clients have claimed they:

  • underwent a “true transformation” when “other forms of therapy and healing felt like temporary relief”

  • experienced a “life-changing process” and a “sense of peace and lightness not had before”

  • learned "practical tools to use in everyday life”

  • “completely turned their life around” and manifested their “ideal future self”

  • feel their life is “changed forever” and have a “HUGE change in [their] attitude toward life”

Give a guidance session to a friend! View gift certificate options here.

Are you ready to connect into your deep, inner wisdom?

It will be a blessing to walk alongside you on the path to understanding your true self.

I enjoyed my soul guidance / past life reading so much. Right away I could tell you were an authentic reader and knew what you were doing. You helped answer so many of my questions and gave me some great advice. I now feel armed with a bunch of information moving forward and have a mini list of things to work on.
— Sarah Clinansmith, Michigan
I love Rachel’s easy going energy and style. I felt immediately comfortable being in her space even though she’s in the process of changing venues. The energy was still peaceful. The messages were exactly what I needed to hear and were expressed in a kind and loving way. She also offered ideas to facilitate the changes Spirit was encouraging me to take. That, to me, was an added bonus to hear from someone with “fresh eyes” on my life. I will highly recommend Rachel to others for an Akashic Records reading.
— Elaine Lilley, Maine
You are extremely gifted and equally humble...You confirmed so many of the aspects that I believe: Angels, Michael, the archangels. the spiritual / spirit world that we should be accessing far more. The way that you integrated the aspects of intuition and other factors was so very special to me
— K.W.