My Professional Ethics and Standards of Conduct

  • I see my primary obligation is to compassionately uplift the wellbeing of others.

  • I aim to provide the highest quality of service to clients at all times.

  • I respect and honor my clients’ right to privacy and confidentiality. Out of respect for clients’ right to privacy and to maintain clear boundaries, I limit my social and personal interactions with clients, for a professional relationship only.

  • I believe that sexual intimacy of any kind with clients is unethical.

  • I hold myself responsible for acting in a professional manner in all interactions.

  • I honor the wishes, desires and needs of my clients at all times.

  • I respect the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual boundaries of clients.

  • I ensure that the purpose and nature of services to be provided, including all fees, are fully understood by clients prior to their receiving services. I believe in being open, honest and transparent about the costs of service, including any increases or changes in fees, and about our financial interactions in general.

  • I refuse to discriminate unjustly against clients and/or other health professionals.

  • I abide by all local, state and federal laws that apply to the nature of my practice.

  • I believe in contributing my knowledge and skills to programs promoting social wellbeing for those in need.

  • I provide my clients/students with tools they can use on their own, including writing exercises, meditation techniques and self-hypnosis whenever possible.

  • I am committed to my continuing education, including my own spiritual practice, to enhance my service to clients.