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How to Trust Your Intuition and Your Divine Guides

We all have intuition, and it can guide us in any area of our lives. That little inner voice that is nudging us to reach out to someone, to explore a new career, or just to quiet our minds!

Intuition is also higher guidance that is trying to connect with us. There are sources of Divine wisdom out there waiting to assist us in our everyday lives. We often just don’t ask them for help! In this workshop, we will review the various forms of Divine guidance (such as spirit guides and angels!) and how you can begin communicating with them.

We will talk about how you can develop your intuition to begin receiving messages (through your dreams and in waking life). We will cover how meditation helps open you to receiving guidance, and how you can notice communication and messages from Divine sources in your daily life (in the car, around the house, even at work)!

The workshop will consist of a short talk, a group exercise, a guided meditation and guided written reflections. You will have the opportunity to make contact with your guardian angel or a spirit guide eager to connect with you!

Take-home handouts included!

Friday, November 3rd, 6-8 pm at Willard Beach Studio in South Portland. This is the second workshop in a series of three. Register for all three at $50/person, or $55/person for just this workshop. Please sign up in advance as space is limited!