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Learn to Develop (and Trust) Your Intuition: Free Virtual Class

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When we learn to listen to that quiet, inner voice that is nudging us along in our life, encouraging us to move forward, to learn, to grow and to follow our soul's longing, our entire lives can be uplifted.

We are all intuitive. But we have not been taught how to access our Divine nature as powerful, spiritual beings and to re-activate our third eye and our intuitive gifts. In fact, it has essentially been hidden from us. The guides out there (archangels, spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and Source/God/Spirit) want so badly to connect with us!

In this workshop, you will learn about some divine laws, why we are here to learn lessons, and why sometimes it seems like we are alone when going through hardship (hint: we're not but we may have requested pre-incarnation to learn on our own!).


Overall you will:

- Learn about how to enhance your intuition and your connection with higher guidance

- Do a guided meditation to meet a spirit/angelic guide

- Share, ask questions and set intentions for enhancing your intuition in your everyday life!

- Learn about an upcoming class to fully expand your intuitive gifts

Thursday, January 18th, 7-8 pm EST on Zoom videoconference. FREE. Please register in advance to save your spot!