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Develop Your Intuition and Find Your Soul Purpose Online Course

We all have the ability to trust and listen to our intuition. Sometimes our connection to this inner voice just needs to be honed a bit. It can be tricky to develop that ability to recognize to the quiet whisper of our higher self (intuition) versus the loud chatter of our ego voice.

And there is higher guidance out there waiting to assist us in our everyday lives. We were all born with the innate ability to transcend our five sense and tap into a realm beyond that which we can see: the realm of spirit. Due to societal conditioning over the years, most adults are not as naturally intuitive as we once were as children. Many of us have lost, or have been taught to fear, the ability to connect with something beyond ourselves, with the pure love and compassion that exists for us from a team of guides and angels connected to the Divine.

Because of the free will that we have as humans, we just need to ask them for help in our lives!

The good news is that we can learn to re-activate our intuition, or our third eye chakra. In this course, you will learn tips on how to do this, such as through meditation, working with light, and simply just asking and opening.

This course is designed to help you awaken, to help you expand, to help you in your soul evolution toward self-actualization. You will learn how to develop your intuition by clearing your third eye chakra, developing a habit of quiet your mind with meditation to better receive information from your higher guidance, and working through fears and doubts that often come up to block us.

You will learn about the forms of higher guidance, including angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, God/Source, animal totems and spirits in and of nature. After creating a vibration that is aligned with your soul purpose in this life (and after uncovering what that is), you will be encouraged to take action to move into the flow of the vibration of the highest and best version of yourself.

This course spans over an 8-week period. This is a self-paced course. Once you sign up, the content is yours forever. The only pre-scheduled events are the two group guidance sessions!

This course includes:

  • Two hour-long group sessions and one 30-minute private session for individualized guidance from Rachel on what you’re experiencing or struggling with
  • Instructional videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Worksheets with practical tips
  • Writing prompts/reflections
  • Recommended books, videos and other resources
  • Suggested actions/exercises for your daily life
  • Bonuses: interviews from my podcast, The Courageous Path, with people just like you accessing their intuition to create magic in their lives
  • Free 3-month membership in the Soulful Work Community, a monthly supportive community about consciousness expansion meeting monthly (both virtually and in person), including private access to the Soulful Work Community Facebook group
  • Option to connect with others for “accountability partners”

You’ll also learn how to identify your self-defeating thoughts and replace them with positive ones. You’ll learn to quiet your fears/doubts/worries of your conscious mind and listen instead to the wisdom of your higher self, which is your intuitive voice and also knows how you can best share your gifts with the world.

Topics in this course include:

  • Quieting the Mind in Everyday Moments
  • How to Connect with Higher Guidance
  • Types of Higher Guidance (Angels, Ascended Masters, etc.)
  • Working Past Fears, Doubts and Worries of the Ego
  • Taking Action to Share Your Gifts
  • The Shift in Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening
  • Working with Vibrations and Energy in All Things
  • Using Your Thoughts to Co-Create
  • Bonus: Protecting and Clearing Your Energy

After completing this course, you will notice that your approach to life has shifted. Perhaps you will see more synchronicity and meaning in everyday situations. You will have more of a connection with your inner guidance. You will understand more about how your intuition can help you in any area of your life - in your career, in your relationships, with your health, or any other area that had previously been causing you pain or stress. You likely will have a plan for a new career in sharing your intuitive gifts - whether it's a business or a side-income project. You'll notice that as you expand your light, your life will improve overall as well. You will experience the magic of the universe in your own life in every way.

This course is for anyone who is ready to carve out time and effort to enhance their intuition in their everyday life. If you’re open to acknowledging a reality that you can’t see with your eyes and to receiving spiritual guidance from a Divine realm, this course will work well for you.

Here's what past students have said about courses with Rachel:

“Rachel really hit all the points for me. She has great ideas on journaling and things to reflect on. I am so so glad that I signed up for the online course. I feel like it already has been life changing! To think about where I will be at the end of it and beyond is really very exciting. I have found multiple things to take away and so much insight and wisdom in all the posts, activities and videos in the course. It’s so exciting because I can already feel shifts in the way I think and view the world and respond to situations.” - K.M.

“Rachel's course has been wonderful - and I am grateful to have her videos and resources to go to now and again as I navigate this very odd time in life! But I love that all the content is there for me if I fall just a touch behind. Have really loved everything and know this is what I have been needing! Just testing the waters and taking action steps to see how I feel while I am doing it- will allow me to connect more to what I really want. She does a wonderful job. ” - M.Q.

The course begins on Monday, February 5th!

Over 24 hours of content valued at $2600. 

How to Sign Up:

  • Basic Option: $80 a month for 2 months ($190 total). Includes two live group sessions and one 30-minute private session with Rachel. 
  • Full Option: $150 a month for 2 months ($30 total). Includes two live group sessions and two 45-minute video guidance sessions with Rachel

Early Bird Rate: Sign up by Friday, January 26th and get $35 off! Use coupon code EARLY. (Discount for Soulful Work Community members of $50 off!)

Wondering if this is right for you? I am happy to have a 15-minute phone call with you. Get in touch ( to set something up?

I look forward to working with you in the course! See you on Monday, February 5th!