Politics and Gravitational Waves

I don't follow the media much anymore, nearly as much as I used to. It is hard to see all the suffering humans inflict on one another so needlessly, and how the media likes to cover this news over and over again, creating and spreading fear. There are many good things happening out there.. but good news doesn't cater to the masses, does it? Back to my original point.. I don't follow the media, but I do try to catch it here and there to see what the Presidential candidates are up to.  Now, before you start to worry that I'm going get all political here, I merely have some observations (no political opinions, for once).  My observations are that the American people are HUNGRY for a change.  They are tired of the system that is failing so many of us, tired of the rich running the country and world, tired of being lied to.  While experience matters to some, it actually doesn't matter to many.  What does matter is speaking the truth that many are afraid to say, speaking the realities that so many live.  The Donald is speaking about change, Bernie is speaking about change. Different kinds of change, mind you.  One based on fear and blame, the other based on revolution and empowerment.



You may wonder, how does this connect to the original title here about the discovery of gravitational waves?  Well.. I believe that the Universe, AKA the invisible forces/beings that are behind much of our experience, had something to do with the timing of this information/discovery being released.  We are now ready to do something with this information as a human race.  We are ready to start to understand that there are forces beyond our knowing that affect our everyday lives.  Just as the force of gravity is real, so is the force of attraction through frequencies and vibrations of those frequencies being drawn to each other. And our thoughts and emotions, as energy, emit frequencies.  And the fact that these frequencies are attracting like frequencies means that our positive thinking and feelings bring about positive, and so forth.  With a caveat:  our higher selves and guides also have a plan for our lives: while we may try to "attract" certain things, we must understand that events we do not always understand will still happen in our lives for reasons that we will later understand.  We come to this life with a blueprint, a plan.. all for the purpose of us learning some lessons for the evolution of our soul.  So the events in our life follow that plan. Free will is involved too, yes, and we can deviate from that plan.  If we deviate, then chances are our next life will have a similar plan, since we may not have learned our lessons here.

A long digression from politics and gravitational waves.  My point here is that people are READY, ready for change - it's in the air all around us.  This shows by the outpouring of energy around who we as Americans want to lead our country (and the world effectively). These are the forces of us waking up in 2016.. waking up to a new way of being.  We are evolving, you see, although not all of us will choose to do so. And sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better (climate change as an example). People who have been suffering without end (in the workplace especially, which is my new business's focus!) are starting to look to a power beyond themselves for help.  So there is hope.

With so many of us longing for something better, and taking steps towards that something, there is hope.

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Rachel White

Merging the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves through this massive, planetary shift in consciousness. Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel facilitates groups of soul-seekers and spiritual entrepreneurs, has a meditation podcast called The Courageous Path and writes for various online publications. With a diploma in Integrative Healing Arts from the Southwest Institute for Healing Arts, Rachel is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, life coach, reader of the Akashic Records, and aspiring homesteader. Rachel also has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, yet claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. She recently wrote a book called Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose. Rachel now lives in mid-coast Maine where she and her husband homeschool their two bright, energetic children. You can find Rachel, along with meditations and writing tools, at www.soulfulworkconsulting.com.