Find Balance with the Autumn Equinox

It is an incredibly exciting time to be alive. While this time is also a challenging one, this age of awakening has been predicted for thousands of years by the Mayans and other indigenous cultures. We are waking up from our Earth slumber and taking back our planet from the intervention of low-vibrational consciousness that kept us in systems of control, oppression and conflict for thousands of years. It’s a time of the rainbow warrior being activated to help bring the Earth into 5th dimensional consciousness. By doing this individual work, you are clearing the Ego shadows that had prevented you from fully expanding into your light. When you do this, the energy you emit is felt by others, emboldening them to do the same.

This shift starts at an individual level, and like a pebble being dropped into a pond, spills out into the collective consciousness.

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Love for Self and for the Land

How can we each love ourselves more? When we love ourselves, this isn't selfish. This love for honoring ourselves can then spill out into the collective.

Part of this love is about awakening to the truth that we are divine beings of light, filled with love! This was hidden from us for so long. Yet, there is so much unfolding and so many souls awakening. This is what we signed up for! This is why we're here. To learn from the setbacks, from the triggers, and to hold light in our bodies, to rise above. We are transforming, coming out of our cocoons... as the luminous butterflies that we are!

I have been witness to so many people stepping up as they remember who they are, as they feel the nudge from their spirit to activate, to shift and to emerge as light-workers and way-showers. People who learn the truth of what's being done to us will begin to need help in healing from the trauma, from the pain of years of mental conditioning and mind control.

Once we can unplug from the programming, we can allow the vibration of love to guide us.

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Existing Outside the System

It is not easy for many right now, whether you are operating within the system or outside of it. I personally will not comply with some of the excessive rules and regulations, and others I will. It’s all about balance and what feels right. And, ultimately, the change begins from within. In my family, we are living in a paradox. We love our new home and are creating a homesteading/homeschooling life that feels like living in a dream. We have made some new friends who we love, and still connect with old friends (like my 5D consciousness group who I love so dearly)! Yet, for me, I am managing some challenging ancestral pattern-breaking. (Check out this past post for some tips on how to heal conflicts with others.) It feels empowering, yet sad. Invigorating, yet confusing. Many of us are experiencing similar pattern-breaking, confronted with the shadows within us (which others in our lives can mirror back to us!) and with healing, through understanding and compassion for the perspective/point of view of another.

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