Robins Eggs and Throat Chakra Healing

We have been noticing a lot of animals in our lives recently – great blue herons in front of our family island spot, a porcupine nonchalantly hanging out in our backyard munching on clovers the other day, baby mice cozied up next to their mama, and a few weeks ago my son even spotted a black bear early in the morning in our side yard.
But the robin’s egg stood out to me especially.

I knew that the robin had a message for me. (Many other robins hang out with us, one had even been crashing repeatedly into our windows repeatedly earlier this spring  - we went through multiple "window bird reflector" solutions).
The animal totem of the Robin is about new beginnings and growth. Its call is cheery, like a bright, beautiful song. The egg is a gorgeous blueberry blue color, similar to the throat chakra.
As I meditated upon what I was experiencing in my life and what the robin might be trying to share with me, I realized that it was sharing something about the power of my voice.

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Accessing the Divine in Every Moment

Just today as we were at a nearby lake and my husband and kids were fishing, I was reading a book (about past life regression of course), my son caught a fish. My husband was helping release the fish but the hook wasn’t coming out easily. I didn’t want the fish to suffer, so I asked Archangel Ariel (the archangel who helps animals) to help the fish get freed. And a few moments later, the fish swam away.
It’s little instances like this that I realize how my consciousness is more and more integrated with the realm of Spirit, and how good that feels. While this integration has taken a lot of practice and dedication, it hasn’t been hard.

In fact, asking for guidance from my spirit guides, angels and Ascended Masters, has brought me a sense of comfort and understanding about why things occur in my life, and about how to move through the hard times and find gratitude for the good.

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Embrace the Lunar Energy ... and the Shadows of Ego

This past weekend I went to a hypnotherapy conference (the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists) to present a workshop on developing intuition. It was a bit of a retreat for me, even though it was packed with workshops. I learned some new hypnosis techniques, childhood trauma approaches and some astrology/Kabbalah, along with some fascinating information about the renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, whose A.R.E. library was right down the street from our conference. I also got to meet, in person at long last, my hypnotherapy teacher and mentor, Linda Bennett, who was the keynote speaker. Honoring those who taught us is so important, and I feel such gratitude to the women who taught me so much and who helped show me techniques that I share in my Tools for the Awakening: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose book.

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